Scrivener vs Google Docs: Which Writing Tool is Best for You?

Scrivener vs Google Docs: If you want to boost your productivity and creativity as a writer, picking the correct writing instrument is essential. Scrivener and Google Docs are two of the most widely used writing tools now accessible; nevertheless, there is a wide selection of writing software on the market. It can be difficult to choose between these two instruments because each one offers its own set of distinctive characteristics and advantages. This blog post will compare Scrivener with Google Docs with the goal of assisting you in selecting the program that is most suited to meet the requirements of your writing projects.

Scrivener vs Google Docs: Overview

Authors, novelists, and screenwriters are the target audience for the highly effective writing tool known as Scrivener. It provides a variety of features that authors can take advantage of in order to better organize their work, research, and notes. There is a free 30-day trial version of Scrivener accessible for download on Mac, Windows, and iOS devices.

On the other hand, Google Docs is a free cloud-based writing tool that is accessible from any device as long as it has an internet connection. It is frequently used for group writing assignments since it has a variety of functions that are analogous to those found in Microsoft Word.

Scrivener vs Google Docs: Features

The writing community has been carefully considered in the development of a wide variety of Scrivener’s features. It gives you the ability to organize your writing into chapters, scenes, and notes, and it provides a corkboard view that can assist you in visualizing what you have written. Additionally, Scrivener allows you to import research material such as photos, PDFs, and web pages, and it provides templates for various writing styles such as fiction, non-fiction, and screenplays. There is also a full-screen mode available for use in Scrivener, which allows you to concentrate on your writing without any distractions.

On the other hand, Google Docs provides users with a selection of fundamental functions that are analogous to those found in Microsoft Word. It gives you the ability to structure your text, add graphics, and work in real-time collaboration with other people. There is also a commenting option available on Google Docs, which enables team members to contribute criticism and suggestions based on what you have written.

Scrivener vs Google Docs: Advantages

The organizational tools that Scrivener provides are one of the program’s strongest selling points. It enables you to partition your writing into more manageable sections and arrange those sections in a way that is most effective for you. This can be especially helpful for longer writing projects like novels, where it can be difficult to keep track of characters, story aspects, and research material. This can be especially beneficial for longer writing projects like novels.

One more benefit of using Scrivener is that it has a mode that eliminates distractions while you write. This mode gets rid of any and all distractions, letting you concentrate completely on the work at hand, which is writing. If you find yourself easily sidetracked or struggle to maintain concentration when writing, this strategy may prove especially helpful for you.

On the other hand, one of the most significant benefits of using Google Docs is that it has features that facilitate collaboration. It offers a real-time collaboration feature, so you can work on projects with other people at the same time, and it has a commenting function, so your collaborators may offer criticism and recommendations on the writing you do. while working on a writing project with other people or while looking for feedback on your own writing, this can be a very helpful tool for you.

The accessibility of Google Docs is just another benefit of using the service. Because it is a cloud-based application, you can access it from any device as long as it has an internet connection. This enables you to work on your writing regardless of where you are located.

Scrivener vs Google Docs: Disadvantages

The steep learning curve of Scrivener is one of the program’s most significant drawbacks. It might take some time to learn how to make efficient use of all of its functions, which might be a problem for some authors who are more comfortable with more straightforward writing software.

The cost of using Scrivener is just another one of its drawbacks. It is a paid writing tool, and although while it does offer a free trial period of 30 days, it is still possible that some writers won’t be able to afford it.

On the other hand, one of the most significant drawbacks of using Google Docs is that it does not come equipped with any advanced capabilities. Although it provides a wide variety of fundamental functionality, it is lacking in advanced organization and research capabilities in comparison to Scrivener’s offerings. This can be a disadvantage for writers who require these tools for the projects they are working on, as these functions are not always available.

One of the limitations of Google Docs is that it cannot function without an active internet connection. It is possible that writers who prefer offline writing tools will not find it useful, despite the fact that it is accessible from any device that has an internet connection.

Scrivener vs Google Docs: Which One is Right for You?

Your preferences and requirements as a writer are the most important factors to consider while deciding between Scrivener and Google Docs. Scrivener is an excellent option to consider if you are a novelist, author, or filmmaker that need sophisticated organization and research features in their writing software. It is much simpler to write larger and more complicated projects with Scrivener because of its extensive capabilities, which include those that assist you keep track of your characters, story points, and research information.

On the other hand, if you are working on a writing project together with other people or if you require a straightforward writing tool that you can access from any location, Google Docs can be the most suitable option for you. The cloud-based aspect of Google Docs makes it accessible from any device so long as it has an internet connection. The real-time collaboration features of Google Docs make it simple to work with other people at the same time.


In conclusion, whether you should use Scrivener or Google Docs depends on the requirements of your work and the preferences you have. Comparatively, the extensive organizing and research tools that are available in Scrivener make it well suited for longer and more difficult writing projects, whilst the collaboration elements that are available in Google Docs make it ideally suited for easy writing jobs or collaborative writing projects. In the end, the greatest writing tool for you will be the one that not only assists you in achieving your writing goals but also increases the amount of productive and creative writing you do.


Can I use Scrivener on multiple devices?

You can sync your projects across all of your devices with Scrivener, which is a feature that is accessible for Mac, Windows, and iOS devices.

Is Google Docs free?

Yes, Google Docs is a free cloud-based writing tool that is accessible from any device as long as it has an internet connection.

Can I collaborate with others on Scrivener?

Although Scrivener does have a collaboration option, it is not nearly as powerful as the collaboration features offered by Google Docs.