Step-by-Step Guide to Insert Shapes in Google Docs

Insert Shapes in Google Docs: Google Docs is a popular online word processing program that includes a variety of features to enhance the visual appeal and usefulness of your project. You can access Google Docs here. One of these features is the capability to incorporate shapes, which enables users to produce diagrams, emphasize key information, and add visual aspects to their documents. In this piece, we will go into the ins and outs of Google Docs’ shape-insertion functionality so that you can get the most out of this tool.

Introduction to Google Docs

Google Docs is a web-based application that is part of the suite of productivity tools that Google offers to its users for free. It eliminates the need for users to install software on their local computers by providing them with the ability to create, edit, and collaborate on documents online. Because of its user-friendly interface and extensive feature set, Google Docs has quickly become a preferred option among private users, commercial enterprises, and educational institutions alike.

What are shapes in Google Docs?

When working with Google Docs, you can incorporate pre-designed graphical elements called “shapes” into your pages. These shapes can be as straightforward as geometric forms like as rectangles and circles, or they can be as intricate as arrows, callouts, and flowchart symbols. You can make your documents look more appealing to the eye and communicate information in a way that is both more interesting and more organized by including shapes in them.

Benefits of using shapes in Google Docs

There are many advantages to making use of shapes in Google Docs, including the following:

  • Enhanced visual appeal: By adding colors, lines, and icons to the content in your documents, shapes have the potential to make them more aesthetically appealing.
  • Clear information hierarchy: You are able to build a distinct information hierarchy and highlight key topics by applying shapes in your presentation.
  • Improved comprehension: When graphically represented through shapes, complicated ideas or processes are easier to grasp and comprehend.
  • Efficient communication: When communicating ideas or thoughts with others, especially in environments that encourage collaboration, using shapes might help you do so more effectively.
  • Versatility: You will be able to locate the ideal graphic component for your paper thanks to the extensive selection of shapes that are accessible to you.

How to insert shapes in Google Docs

Using the “Insert” menu or the “Drawing” tool are the two primary methods for inserting shapes in Google Docs. The “Insert” menu is located in the upper-right hand corner of the screen.

Using the “Insert” menu

  1. Open your document: Start by opening your document in Google Docs.
  2. Click on “Insert”: Locate the “Insert” menu at the top of the page and click on it.
  3. Select “Drawing”: From the dropdown menu, select “Drawing” and then click on “New”.
  4. Choose a shape: In the drawing window, click on the “Shape” icon (square with a circle inside) in the toolbar. A dropdown menu will appear with various shape options.
  5. Select a shape: Choose the desired shape from the dropdown menu by clicking on it. The shape will appear in the drawing canvas.
  6. Customize the shape: You can resize, rotate, change colors, add text, or modify other properties of the shape using the options available in the toolbar.
  7. Insert the shape: Once you are satisfied with the shape, click on the “Save and Close” button to insert it into your google doc. The shape will be added as an image.

Drawing shapes with the “Drawing” tool

Using the “Drawing” tool to create forms allows for greater versatility when generating freehand drawings or designs that are unique to the user. To create forms in Google Docs by making use of the “Drawing” feature, follow these steps:

  1. Open your document: Start by opening your document in Google Docs.
  2. Click on “Insert”: Locate the “Insert” menu at the top of the page and click on it.
  3. Select “Drawing”: From the dropdown menu, select “Drawing” and then click on “New”.
  4. Access the drawing tools: The drawing window will open, providing you with a variety of drawing tools and options.
  5. Choose the desired shape: Click on the shape icon (square, circle, line, etc.) in the toolbar to select the shape you want to draw.
  6. Draw the shape: Use your mouse or touchpad to draw the shape directly on the canvas. You can click and drag to define the shape’s size and proportions.
  7. Customize the shape: After drawing the shape, you can customize it further by adjusting its size, position, rotation, color, fill, and other properties using the options in the toolbar.
  8. Add text or additional elements: If desired, you can add text labels, arrows, or other elements to your shape by selecting the corresponding tools in the toolbar.
  9. Insert the shape: Once you’re satisfied with the shape, click on the “Save and Close” button to insert it into your document. The shape will be added as an image.

Formatting and editing shapes in Google Docs

After you have inserted a shape into the document you are working on in Google Docs, you will have the ability to format and change it to meet your requirements. The following is a list of common editing capabilities and formatting options that are available for shapes:

Changing the shape’s size, position, and rotation

To change the size of a shape, you need to click on one of the small circles or squares that are located along its edges, and then drag it either inward or outward. You can also click and drag the shape to move it around within the document if you want to change its location. Simply click on the green dot that appears over a shape, and then drag it to the left or right to rotate the form.

Applying colors and gradients

If you want to change the color of a shape, first choose the shape you want to modify, and then click on the “Fill color” icon in the toolbar. You can select a color from the palette, or you can choose “Custom” to define a color yourself. In addition, you may apply gradient fills to shapes by selecting the “Gradient” option in the “Fill color” menu. This will bring up a menu with several different fill color options.

Adding text and adjusting font properties

Simply double-click on the shape you want to add text to, and then begin typing. After that, you will have the ability to modify the text’s font, size, alignment, and other features by using the options that are available on the toolbar.

Arranging and grouping shapes

You may manage where forms appear in relation to other elements in a document by using the layers feature in Google Docs, which allows you to organize shapes anyway you like. By right-clicking on a shape and selecting “Order” from the context menu, you can rearrange the order in which the shapes appear. You will then be able to shift a form either ahead or backward in the layer stack from this point.

You can also combine multiple forms into a single unit by grouping them together first. To group shapes together, choose multiple shapes at once by clicking on each shape while holding down the Shift key in your keyboard. After that, select “Group” from the context menu that appears when you right-click on any one of the selected shapes. It is possible to move grouped forms as a unit, as well as resize and format them.

Tips for using shapes effectively in Google Docs

Take into consideration the following pointers in order to get the most out of shapes in Google Docs:

  1. Keep it simple: Use shapes sparingly and ensure they contribute to the overall clarity and visual appeal of your document.
  2. Align and distribute: Use the alignment and distribution options in the toolbar to arrange shapes neatly and maintain a professional look.
  3. Utilize shapes for organization: Use shapes to create visually appealing diagrams, flowcharts, or timelines that help organize information and improve readability.
  4. Combine shapes with text: Incorporate shapes alongside text to highlight key points, create visual emphasis, or separate sections within your document.
  5. Experiment with transparency: Adjust the transparency of shapes to create overlays or subtle visual effects that enhance the overall design.
  6. Explore shape styles: Google Docs offers various predefined shape styles that can give your document a consistent and professional appearance. Experiment with different styles to find the one that best suits your content.
  7. Consider accessibility: Ensure that your document remains accessible to all users by using shapes in a way that does not hinder readability or screen reader compatibility. Add alternative text descriptions to shapes for visually impaired individuals.
  8. Collaborate effectively: When collaborating on a document with others, use shapes to visually communicate ideas or provide feedback. Arrows, callouts, or symbols can be helpful for highlighting specific areas or providing context.
  9. Preview and test: Before finalizing your document, preview it to ensure that shapes appear as intended and maintain their formatting across different devices and screen sizes.


The use of shapes into papers created in Google Docs has the potential to dramatically improve both the documents’ visual appeal and their overall efficiency. Shapes offer a versatile set of tools that can assist you in achieving your objectives, whether those objectives involve the creation of diagrams, the highlighting of key information, or the addition of visual features. You may become an expert at inserting and utilizing shapes in Google Docs to create content that is interesting and engaging if you follow the procedures indicated in this article and take the recommendations provided into consideration.


Can I resize a shape after inserting it into my Google Docs document?

Yes, you can easily resize a shape by clicking on any of the small squares or circles on its edges and dragging them inward or outward.

Can I add text inside a shape in Google Docs?

Absolutely! Double-click on a shape to enter text mode and start typing. You can then customize the font, size, alignment, and other properties of the text.

How do I group shapes together in Google Docs?

To group shapes together, select multiple shapes by holding down the Shift key and clicking on each shape. Then, right-click on one of the selected shapes and choose “Group” from the context menu.

Can I change the color of a shape in Google Docs?

Yes, you can change the color of a shape by selecting it and clicking on the “Fill color” icon in the toolbar. Choose a color from the palette or define a custom color.

Are shapes accessible to users with disabilities?

To ensure accessibility, it’s important to use shapes in a way that doesn’t hinder readability or screen reader compatibility. Add alternative text descriptions to shapes for visually impaired individuals.

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